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Welcome to my Personal Blog
"My name is Alessio Grassi, I am a qualified Personal Trainer and technical specialist in physical culture, enrolled in the Faculty of Motor Sciences.
I have been in the world of Fitness for 13 years now, trying to learn and improve not only myself, but above all others, with different training methods applied for each specific individual. "
A famous phrase by the Latin poet Juvenal quotes "Mens sana in corpore sano" "Healthy mind in healthy body, this should be the first sentence in the morning and the last in the evening, reminding ourselves that an important factor for our primary health is that there is a fundamental balance between Mind and Body, as both are influenced by each other, both as regards physical activity and as regards a diet regime.
Sport and prevention are the key to the proper functioning of our body, but beware of false myths, but above all to false prophets.
Having said that, stop laziness and carve out an important space in the day for physical activity, it does not matter, whether indoors, outdoors or at home, the important thing is to move because only dedication and believing in yourself can that excellent results can be achieved in a short time.
Seeing is believing
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